Thanks for your interest. Now let’s sign you up!
Fill out the information below, and we will have a staff member contact you. For adults, we offer a private lesson by our Chief Instructor. For children, we offer a week’s worth of classes.
So what are you waiting for? Take the first step to building a healthier, stronger, and more confident you by signing up for a trial lesson. We can’t wait to see you on the mat!
You don’t know if you don’t try! Have your child try out our school for one week. If it turns out they love it we’ll take the $29.99 off of enrollment! Ages 2.5-15.
Interested in Aikido? Come and try it out! Have a session that goes over all the basics of Aikido with a black belt instructor. You’ll have the privacy of the dojo space and the ability to have all your questions answered.
Love it? We’ll take the $29.99 off enrollment.